Mid-term Website
Welcome to my website working I made for my final
exam in Computer Science. This site was made using HTML as the "base",
and CSS to make it look nicer. Let's hope that my teacher doesn't give
me an F on this.
Text Test
Welcome to my website working with floats. This is testing
my abilities to be use HTML to create the structure of a website, and CSS
to give the website color, and format. I hope you'll like it.
Text Test
Welcome to my midterm website working with floats. This is
testing my abilities to be use HTML to create the structure of a website,
and CSS to give the website color, and format. I hope you'll like it.
The image used on this site originated from the artist
Marc Taro Holmes. The inspiration for the image came
from "Japanese Garden" (2019).
This is an animation that I came up with and made in
"Pencil 2D". One of my successes in this is keeping the
bird/worm thing generally the same size. One of my challenges
was creating something that wouldn't get me sent to a
pyshciatrist because I drew something being "hurt". This is
there's a worm that comes from the puddle of goop.
Copy © 2019 Benjamin